John I. Frederick, JD, LLM has nearly 20 years of experience in the areas of federal, state, and local taxation, with particular emphasis on income tax compliance and planning for a diverse client base including fiduciaries, high net worth individuals and families, nonprofit organizations, closely held businesses, and investment partnerships. He also devotes his practice to custom financial analysis and accounting for high net worth family offices and non-profit organizations. Prior to joining the Tax Accounting Group (TAG), he operated his own law practice, focusing on real property tax litigation, small business formation and structure, and individual income tax planning and compliance.
John is TAG’s Manager of Strategic Alliances, serving as the lead liaison between the Director and our strategic relationships, and oversees and manages our strategic growth initiatives and partnerships. He is a published author and is a leading contributing author and editor to TAG's Client Alerts designed specifically for our clients, including serving as managing editor of TAG’s highly acclaimed Year-End Tax Planning Guide. He also co-chairs TAG’s Tax Alert Task Force, which is charged with monitoring new tax law across many tax types and advising clients accordingly as well as co-chairs TAG University, which is charged with planning, designing and presenting continuing education programs to members of TAG. He holds a Juris Doctor and Masters in Taxation from the Villanova University School of Law, and is a graduate of Boston University's School of Management.